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This service is for you who prefer 1:1 customized individual,

or additional support to the "REMIND w/Michala" core curriculum.


 For example, you might want to dive deeper into one, or more of the following topics: 


  • SELF-IMAGE - upgrading your self-image

  • INNER CHILD - learn how to mentor your inner child

  • FUTURE SELF - visualize your best future self and implement it into daily practices

  • THE SUBCONSIOUS MIND - learn how to master your subconscious mind by using self-hypnosis

  • RESISTANCE - free up your resistance by uncovering your old stories and limiting beliefs

  • MOTIVATION - dial up your motivation by understanding your values and beliefs

  • ENERGY MANAGEMENT - establish daily practices that will promote more flow and well-being

  • YOUR LEADING ENERGY - understand your energetic leadership style, and lead from the feminine of receiving

  • NERVOUS SYSTEM - understand your defense mechanism and learn how to self-regulate so that you get to stay well balanced and in your personal power



Special Introductory Offer

Would you like to dip your toes in the water to experience what's it's like to be guided by Michala?

Then you may want to take advantage of the special introductory offer of only USD 97, for 60 minutes 1:1 guidance with /Michala over Zoom (normal prices are ranging from up USD 97, all dependent on whether you choose to work with Michala 1:1 over time, or just a one time booster).


Besides the REMIND w/Michala Curriculum as describe above, this could also be for you, if you would like Michala to help sort out your business ideas, for example, if you are in the early stages of setting up

your solopreneur business and don't know where to start.


Michala has 20 years of experience in helping sensitive peoplejust like you develop their concept and turn it into a sustainable solopreneur business, i.e. writing your first book, developing a live workshop, or online program + the actual messaging on your website.




1. Click here to make your payment of USD 97.

2. Michala will send you a link to schedule your call + an inventory sheet for you to fill out prior to the call.
3. Join the Zoom call of 60 minutes 1:1 guidance from Michala


Click here to send you message to Michala, if you have any questions!

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