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"I sprinted through “Journal for Soulful Solopreneurs” as it is an easy read.


But don’t be mistaken. If you follow the steps in the book or the ones that speak to you, the effects can go deep and make a real difference in regaining flow or sustaining momentum in your project or dream.

This is not just another project management business book.

What stands out is the holistic approach – that progress is just as much about inner balance as outer action and how to achieve it.

I particularly like the suggestion on how to discover your “peak hours” and use them to your advantage: when you work best and with which tasks during the day.

As I writer, I now know that I write best in the morning, but do my best editing in the evening. I also love the simple idea of doing your own audio recording with affirmations on your phone. 

The ON TRACK Map Journal is unique because it allows you to use the tools whether you are at the beginning, in the middle or towards the end of your dream project.
– Marian Lunah Sommer, Author of “At sprede skyer”.

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